Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Chickweed Tea as an Effective Remedy for Weight Loss

I am always delighted to see chickweed emerging from a layer of winter mulch in my garden. This delicate plant specializes in pH balanced soils, which means the little chickweed patches are signals the heavy composting I have done all year has truly paid off. Weeding chickweed is a delight since I munch on it as I go and save the fresh aerial parts for salads and vinegars.

Chickweed is excellent for the skin both internally as a demulcent and externally as an emollient. It has a cooling and drying effect on wounds and skin eruptions. Minor burns respond nicely to chickweed’s care. The medicinal properties of this common garden weed combined with its nutritional properties make it a popular ingredient in salves and lotions.

Chickweed is a nutritious diuretic. It replenishes the body with valuable trace minerals and vitamins as it flushes water weight from stored deposits. This herb was extremely popular for this use in the Victorian era. It was tucked into landscaping and eaten by the leisure class in fancy salads and sandwiches. Chickweed escaped these gardens and fell out of favor as grocery stores with imported greens replaced the farmer’s markets. This herb does not stand much refrigeration.

Chickweed is an astringent that works wonders in drawing out splinters. Applying either the fresh juice on a cotton swab or dabbing the area with diluted tincture serves to push out slivers without the trauma of tweezers. Chickweed also helps heal the wound left behind. This makes chickweed an excellent choice for any parent or gardener’s first aid cabinet.

As a vulnerary, chickweed does its best work externally. There are few skin conditions chickweed cannot help. Minor burns, lesions, acne, wounds, eczema, insect bites, nettle burns, psoriasis, and gout all bow to chickweed’s soothing hand. This humble plant has much to offer our tender skin.

Chickweed is best used to soothe itchy and sore skin conditions. Topical application, either fresh or as a botanical oil, cools and relieves inflamed areas. As chickweed has a bland scent, it’s an excellent choice for adding to the bath water of individuals with perfume or essential oil allergies. Simply add a strong infusion to the bathwater and soak. A cooled compress is excellent for treatment of varicose veins or hemorrhoids.

As a diuretic, chickweed is a valuable friend to patients who struggle with congestive heart failure or obesity. Water retention as witnessed by swollen ankles or bloating is eased by this herb. Other herbs chickweed is accompanied by in diuretic formulas are dandelion and parsley. All three of these herbs are also rich sources of vitamin C and potassium. Chickweed has the extra value of being high in vitamin B complex. All of these vitamins means our friend is also an excellent spring tonic.

Source: http://www.thepracticalherbalist.com/holistic-medicine-library/chickweed-skin-rejuvenator/

Read more information about how to make chickweed tea http://www.chickweedtea.net/
http://www.chickweedtea.net/irritable-bowel-syndrome/ where to buy chickweed tea for irritable bowel syndrome
http://www.chickweedtea.net/chickweed-tea-benefits/ chickweed tea health benefits
http://www.chickweedtea.net/chickweed-tea-for-weight-loss/ chickweed herbal tea for weight loss

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